Five Zoo Tours

Docent guides provide interactive discussions concerning particular topics during a walking tour designed around animal exhibits that best illustrate the topic.

Allow about 45 minutes per tour except for "Animals on the Move" which lasts 30 minutes.

Three New Exhibit Activities

These programs are designed to address Illinois and Chicago Science Standards for the grade levels listed. Docent guides can provide a special exhibit focus for your zoo visit. Choose one special exhibit to explore with an activity designed to enhance your students' awareness and appreciation of the concepts highlighted in that exhibit area. Zoo Tours and Exhibit Activities are offered November through February at 10 a.m.and 11 a.m. Registration is required.

Special Membership Offer for Teachers

Join Lincoln Park Zoo and receive a 20% discount on any level of membership. Benefits at various membership levels include discount on education programs, behind-the-scenes tours, special members-only events, subscriptions to Wildtimes Newsletter and ZooReview magazine, discount at Zoo Shops and much more. This exclusive membership offer to educators is valid through December 1998. For more information about Lincoln Park Zoo membership please check the box on your applicaton form or call 312/742-2082.

A.D.O.P.T.* - an-Animal

Interested in Lincoln Park Zoo's Classroom A.D.O.P.T. program? Call the A.D.O.P.T.-An-Animal Coordinator at 312/742-2078.

*A.D.O.P.T. stands for Animals Depend On People Too!

Field Trip Procedures & Info

To apply for any teacher workshop, tour, or exhibit activity, click here...

Zoo Tours

Animals on the Move

Grades K-1

Meet animals who swim, fly, crawl and jump on this tour, which emphasizes the features that help animals move the way they do.


Grades 3-12

Explore the Helen Brach Primate House and meet our closest living relatives. Learn why many primate species are in danger of extinction and how we can help them.


Grades 2-12

Visit owls, eagles, penguins, parrots and others and get the facts on the survival secrets of our fine feathered friends.

Endangered Wildlife

Grades 3-12

Meet some of the world's most endangered animals and learn why their survival in the wild is threatened. Learn some of Lincoln Park Zoo's wildlife conservation success stories.

Cold Weather Survival

Grades 1-12

Visit penguins, polar bears and other cold-weather animals and learn how they are specially equipped to survive in arctic climates.

Exhibit Activities

Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House

Grades 4-8

What's so hot about being warm-blooded? What's so cool about being cold-blooded? Begin your exploration of mammals and reptiles with a math activity in the zoo classroom. Then see representatives of the Class Mammalia and Class Reptilia in the animal galleries and take a guided tour through some tropical ecosystems.


Grades 1-6

10:30 a.m.

How many products do you eat or use each day that come from a plant or an animal? First, feed our Farm cows and find out how they make milk. Then, select a food item or by-product to examine in more detail. Did a farm animal or plant help to make this product? Finally, enjoy goat milking and taste some goat's milk.

11:30 a.m.

How many tools do you use every day? What kinds of tools do people who care for farm animals use? Come to the Farm to watch horse grooming and find out why it's important. Then, select an animal care tool to examine in more detail. How is it used and who might use it? Finally, enjoy a cow milking demonstration and see how the milking machine is used.

Kovler Lion House

Grades 1-8

How do predators and prey interact in their environment and how are they equipped to do their respective jobs in the biological community? Get some hands-on experience in the zoo classroom, then visit the Lion House to observe several specialized predators.

Zootrition After-school Program

Zootrition After-school Program

Where can children feed cows, milk a goat, and learn where food comes from? In the Zootrition After-school Program at the Farm-in-the-Zoo (FITZ). FITZ staff involves children in learning experiences designed to promote an understanding of good nutrition and exercise. A Zootrition Activity Book and supporting materials are provided for use at the after-school center and at home. The program is offered to children age 8-10 from Title XX after-school centers. Each group visits FITZ twice, in consecutive weeks, on either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, Each one-hour session begins between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. To have your center join in the Zootrition fun, reserve your dates by calling 312/742-7707. Early registration is recommended.

Zootrition is made possible by Kraft Foods, Inc.

Zoo Intern Program

Zoo Intern Program*

An interesting transition from school to career and a rewarding first work experience are the hallmarks of the Zoo Intern Program (ZIP) at Lincoln Park Zoo. Designed in response to the need to link schooling with the working world, ZIP provides students with opportunities to achieve specific learning and academic outcomes in an environment that focuses on experiential learning, student-directed learning, and application.

New interns are recruited and trained at the end of the academic year. They begin their work experience in the summer, and are provided the opportunity to qualify for year round training and employment at the zoo. Students are recruited from schools in underserved areas of Chicago and through community organization networks. Integrated training covers content from all fundamental learning areas plus fine arts, process skills teamwork, personal development and career options. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age.

Students interested in applying for ZIP should send a letter of interest to:

Lincoln Park Zoo

Education Department

Zoo Intern Program

P.O. Box 14903

Chicago, IL 60614

*Zoo Intern Program is made possible by Helen V. Brach Foundation; and The Oscar G & Elsa S. Mayer Family Foundation.